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Monday, 15 May 2017

Gory Video…Stupendously Rich Igbo High Chief Caught In Robbery Operation…

A stupendously rich young Igbo high Chief was among the dare devil bandits that confronted a team of armed policemen in a bank robbery operation in Lagos yesterday. 

The operation, which eye witnesses have described as one of the deadliest in recent time left so many policemen wounded but the gun totting kings of the road were also not opportune to go Scott free. The nouveau-riche high chief, Chief Ugoebenaja who led the robbery operation paid with his dear life. 

According to sources who identified the young multimillionaire as High Chief Ugoebenaja from Orsumuoghu, Delta State, no one will ever believe he's an armed robber, "what an irony of life, this is a young man who gives money at will, he spends as if he doesn't work for the money, we all believe he's a drug baron because he's always saying he's traveling abroad", the source told National Enquirer. 

‘’These are the kind of guys that throw heavy parties where moneys are being splashed like water, they’re obviously not making the money with their sweat, they’re armed robbers or Yahoo Plus guys’’, the source told us.

Chief Ugoebenaja, the source told us further is in his late 30s but he has so many wonders on wheels and his all-marble architectural masterpiece-his country home in Delta is a fortress to behold. 

Before he was eventually caught and shot dead in the I'll fated robbery operation at a Lagos bank yesterday, Chief Ugoebenaja is one of the richest young men from his village, Amaduru Orsumughu but nobody knew him as an armed robber. 

The man is known for his undying penchant for worldly accomplishments and sophisticated beautiful women who're mainly fair skinned undergraduate school girls, " he likes to always be in the midst of beautiful women with his friends, they like to throw party every time and each time, they sprinkle money, mostly US dollars as if it were mere powder", the source informed us. 

He was part of the armed gang that were terrorising a Lagos bank before he got shot in the tough gun dwell with the Police. Below is the video of his last hours in the throes of death.

Friday, 12 May 2017

Billionaire Sujimoto Fingered In Dabota Lawson Daughter’s Paternity “No, Dabota Is My Sister”-Sujimoto

If there’s any luck that can be termed as the best of luck in this world, it’s the luck one makes with his/her senses and if there’s anyone who’s enjoying such best of luck, it’s no one but the erstwhile Miss Nigeria United Kingdom, Dabota Lawson who left the comfy empire of one billionaire for a pampering arms of another billionaire, little wonder she keeps addressing herself fondly and registered her business as Billionaire Wife Limited.
The beautiful mother of one adorable girl, Dabota Lawson who just moved into a multimillion Naira business mall she named, Two Six, a figure that stands for her birthday celebration, 2ndof June, located on Admiralty way, Lekki, Lagos is presently seeking to divorce her billionaire husband, Prince Aku, the man who invested heavily on her business and almost everything she’s become today and this is why sources have come out to smell foul play.

Though, she has come out to say that, her husband, Prince Aku never set her up and that all those saying such are fools, “am not a gold digger, if you need to hear. I'm beauty and brains and that's a fact !!! In a world where females think to get rich quick, I've paid my dues and still paying. I got my first job at the age of 16 whilst in the College in Leicester. @justice_2ndus @redlipsblackmascara remember how funny it was when we were registered to blue arrow agency in college and we were so proud to be working class girls .. Looool. For those of you especially in the media that try to portray my first " taste of wealth" in your myopic mind to create hits for you by saying it was when I got married . You all didn't do any research, you are all lazy and are a disgrace and sorry excuse and demean the real job of journalism. As a child I had the best life and my parent provided everything, we were given the best education and two holidays each year abroad. No poor family can train 4 children in the UK on international school fee. God bless my mum and dad for the opportunity. ( thank God almighty) That never made me have a big head and if anything my childhood inspired me to want to be great. When I met my husband I was still working, he had to beg and pay me to stop work and still I refused and found my calling in business which I started out of my pocket money N789,000. No one gave me millions to start a business. Anyway I'm tired. It's really easy for women to try to bring other women down. It's fun because it makes them feel good about themselves. It gives those women a temporary relief of the fact that their own lives is in shambles or the person too is not perfect . BUT WHO IS PERFECT ANYWAY??? BUSINESS NOW A FEWS YEARS LATER WITH LIFES UPS AND DOWN , WITH ALL MY MISTAKES AND WRONG DOINGS , ITS BOOMING THANKS TO MY LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. This is my flash back ... IM AM A QUEEN AND NO ONE EXCEPT GOD CAN TAKE THAT AWAY FROM ME!!!", her response to anyone who thinks the man ever contributed a dime in her business.
“She think she’s the smartest lady ever born, so how much is N789,000 to the billion empire she’s got now and why did she marry a billionaire and not her mate if she ever think she’s an entrepreneur, we know her gold digging type, and after she’s claiming not to know that the man, Prince Sunny Aku is married before marrying her, why did you accept to date somebody older than you for almost 2 decades in the first place, it’s like marrying your father because the man is exactly your father’s age, don’t even know the kind of rich family that is, never heard of rich parents that sold their daughter to a billionaire for money, the Lawsons are the first, who knows how they managed to send her to the UK for schooling sef, there’s more to this and we shall see as the interesting episodes develop”, the source told National enquirer.
And as if that’s not enough, one of her close friends again is allegedly casting doubts on the paternity of her baby, a bouncing baby girl, Reena who should be 5 or 6 months old now and if we have to go by what the impeccable source is rolling out as the facts at hand, there might be enough reasons for the paragon of beauty to address this damning allegation of her daughter’s paternity. 
The ex-beauty Queen, Dabota who just called it quit with her much older billionaire husband, Prince Sunny Joseph Okechukwu Aku, the Chairman of Novena Majesty Industries has started lounging with another billionaire, and this time somebody much younger and arguably one of Nigeria’s youngest billionaires, Sijibomi Ogundele of Sujimoto fame.
The ravishing beauty has been lucky all her life. Raised in a silverspoon home, according to her by a wealthy father who’s believed to be the former managing director of the National Fertilizer Company of Nigeria-NAFCON and attended the prestigious University of Leicester where she graduated with an enviable second class upper in Financial Economics in 2008 when she was in her early 20s, this much National Enquirer can reveal.
The lucky girl began life when she walked tall to win the 2009/2010 edition of the Miss Nigeria UK, a spectacular status that got her equipped the more, to negotiate what she really wants in life. Very bold and daring, Dabota soon took a bold step having identified her strongest weapon which is her beauty. 
And what she did? She didn’t care a hoot, the go-getter invested the very first dime she made in herself by reconstructing some vital parts of her body like the nose, and mainly liposuction to remove excessively unwanted fats at sexy areas, including white washing her skin and all that, this office gathered set her back with a whopping $30,000 (Thirty Thousand Dollars) over a period of 2012-2014.
We gathered reliably that it was shortly after the reconstructive surgery that she met the Igbo billionaire businessman, Prince Sunny Aku who got hook, line and sinker at first sight and dazzled her with the very latest wonder on wheel, Range Rover vogue before the wealthy mogul proposed and later married her as wife number 5 on December 13th, 2014.
What a mystery, the colourful marriage which was contracted fabulously in the presence of people of high administrative capability like the former governor of Anambra State, Peter obi among other topflight boardroom colossi in the oil, banking and business circuits hardly lasted a year going by the facts at hand.
As at December 2015, the smart ex beauty Queen had left her matrimonial home in the guise of being afraid and also that, her husband is still technically married to one Mrs. Elizabeth Chioma Aku and on this ground, she’s praying a Lagos High Court dissolve the marriage courted on December 13th, 2014 in February 2016.
And despite dragging the man to court for divorce, we gathered reliably that, the ex beauty Queen is yet fighting one of her friends, a fellow erstwhile beauty Queen, Sylvia Nduka calling her out on social media alleging that, she’s the one that destroyed her marriage and that, the lady is dating her husband, a man who has been begging her for leaving him without any reasonable cause. 
The dependable source also raised a vital point in the birth of her baby, Reena who was delivered in a U.S hospital on the 8th of October, 2016. Though, no one has seen the birth certificate of the innocent child to ascertain her father’s name, the source is of the opinion that, for a married woman who left her matrimonial home before December 2015 and gave birth in October 2016, there’s every possibility that, she must have her reasons for leaving home in such a strange manner.
The daring beauty is not hiding the fact that she’s in a relationship with a fabulously wealthy and rich young man whom she openly showed the world the alerts of a whopping N3m he credited her when she was in the US shortly before delivery calling out her billionaire husband, “old money my ass…living in a mansion with no liquid cash and lots of debts…mtcheww, shout out to all the youngsters who came from nothing to something”, she lashed out at Prince Aku “God has compensated me, He wiped my tears and answered my prayers when I said God take it all, let me just have my peace, now I have the most wonderful man by my side and the most beautiful daughter”, she boasted in one of her social media rants.
The source argued further that, she dare not say Prince Aku fathers the little innocent girl, she knows who the father is and we equally know him, all that shall be sorted when Prince is ready for her, she’s a gold digger and money monger who can go extra mile to use her body to con any man, so she thinks she can swindle Prince Aku and go scot free and move to another billionaire right? Clap clap for her, she gushed further.
Further checks by this office revealed that, while the ex beauty Queen is hiding under the flimsy excuse of her husband’s technical marriage to another woman, we gathered reliably that, the billionaire business mogul actually caught his wife pants down, though allegedly and according to the source, ‘’she was caught red handed cheating with a younger lover at a hotel. Her Range Rover plate number was wrapped up to avoid olofofos but those who saw her checked in with her younger lover alerted her husband, Prince Aku who drove in the middle of the night to confirm. He caught her and she started begging but Prince Aku was totally broken and couldn’t bring himself to forgive her. Her family has been begging relentlessly. At some point, he tried to forgive (the charade of a video) but trust was gone especially with her suspicious movements in the name of her make up line. What next? Divorce? Dabota only acted first to avoid the huge embarrassment of Aku taking the lead on divorce process’’ the excat words of the source“
While all deception requires secrecy, all secrecy is not meant to deceive and leaks, as they say are not the problem, but the symptoms, they reveal a disconnect between what people want and need to know and what they actually do know, the greater the secrecy the more likely a leak. This source who’s claiming to be so close alleged that, the younger lover is no one but the latest and biggest investor that has happened to the real estate business in Nigeria, at least at the moment, he is billionaire Sijibomi Ogundele, the newest business wonder kid who stormed the Nigeria’s real estate industry with a bang few years ago.
The nouveau-riche Sijibomi Ogundele also known as Sujimoto, the property whizkid whose name is synonymous to finesse and perfection is one of the greatest investment drivers of this era, and with his sterling records of aggressive achievements in the modern day architectural financing, winning in everything he’s putting his hands on, there’s no doubt in the fact that, no one else possessed his kind of might including “off-road” cruise.
But while naysayers are staking the bets nailing Sujimoto who’s nudging his 30s as the man in the centre of this whole controversy including allegedly fathering the baby, Reena others are saying it can’t be true because Sujimoto is a friend of the Akus family, in fact, Sujimoto’s star studded events had been the only show the couple had stepped out severally and there are pictures of those shows in circulation. “Yes, it is Sujimoto who has been taking responsibility of everything including the daughter’s welfare, when Prince Aku stopped paying for the building where she used for her business, Dabota Cosmetics, it’s Sujimoto, the property merchant that’s responsible for her new plaza and business mall, they can’t fool everybody, they can only fool themselves, if he calls himself family friend, why didn’t he wade-in and resolve the couple’s differences, at least we all know Dabota listens, hangs around him and likes him so much, why is he still being close to Dabota and no longer sees Prince Aku again, we have the facts, it was Sujimoto that Dabota was romantically caught with at Eko Hotel on that fateful night and for your information, they both travelled to Ibiza, that posh tourist city located in the midway between Spain’s coastline and the larger Island of Majorca, there are pictures, please publish it, those hot legs are Dabota’s and the pictures were taken in Ibiza, for them to know we know what we’re saying, Paddy Adenuga was on same trip with them and if you read between the lines, they’re always throwing several ironical eulogies on social media, look at this for instance, in those hot legs’ pictures, Sujimoto wrote, “beauty meets location, architectural meets lifestyle…Ibiza motomaticians” can you beat that and also, Dabota was referring to Sujimoto as baby in her last Christmas message

We made it baby girl, we did good this year. We started a new family, went through pregnancy like it was nothing, got that big ol house we always wanted, added a new car, business been steady growing, we traveled. Girl, you invested in yourself, you put all your energy into your goals and dreams, instead of temporary people and things. Every member of your family and your real friends are alive and well. God really smiled on you this year. Remember baby said in two years you’ll be thankful because He’s going to change your world and teach you new things in a way you’ve never experienced before? Well look at you now. Just a year later… Without being a social media nuisance (credit to baby). It’s amazing what you can do and get when you QUIETLY, CLEARLY and AUTHORITATIVELY DEMAND it. When you don’t concern yourself with what everybody else is doing. No matter what you’ve been through, no matter what anyone says about you, no matter what you’ve done, if you make a firm decision to change your world with the help of God, someone will recognize the power in your existence and never want to let it go. Do it for you, because in the end the only person who is going to be down for you is you…. #ToughWorld#protectyourhappiness#OnlyAsillyIndividualWillStillTryToTwistMyWordsAndSuckTheJoyOutOfMyPost#GodAboveAll#StilliCelebrateMyself#JoyLikeARiverFlowing #2017loading#ImReady”, the source insists Dabota is referring to Sujimoto as baby in the message.
There are a backlog of proofs from this same source who’s ready to go extra mile but in our facts finding mission, we got in touch with Sujimoto and after rolling out what we have at hand, about his relationship with Dabota, the new plaza being rumoured to have built for her by him and the daughter’s paternity, here’s his simple response, “Dabota is my sister, that’s all, she owns her plaza and her beautiful daughter, Reena is not my daughter, how I wish I have such a beautiful daughter, please don’t contact me again after this”, he responded.
We have also made contacts with the billionaire business mogul, Prince Aku who we gathered is of town as at the time of filing this report, we have no doubt for his audience as soon as he comes back. Kindly watch out.

Jite Usman

Fiery Activist, Keyamo Exposes Kidnapper-Police, Writes IG

Fiery Lawyer and one of Nigeria’s toughest human rights activists, Barrister Festus Keyamo has written to inform the Inspector General of Police on the criminal activities of some of his men. In a detailed information revealing the complicity of some policemen in an alleged kidnap episode of the wife of a Delta State based multimillionaire businessman, the handsome Lagos Lawyer challenged the Police boss swiftly wade into the matter to serve as deterrents to other police bad eggs.

The expose tagged, Open Letter To The Inspector General of Police which was signed by the duo of the cha,bers’ Assistant Head, Abuja, John Ainetor Esq and B.I Dakum read thus:

On the 22nd March, 2017, the wife of one Prince Ovwighodua Odebala, a businessman (whom we represent as solicitors) was kidnapped at Sapele, Delta State. Shortly before this incident, Prince Odebala was contacted by one Mr. Ndifreke Ntafiong (a police officer) who forwarded his wife’s account number and demanded for a sum of N1,000,000.00 (One Million Naira) to be paid to him through that account. This particular officer is notorious in that Division for demanding monies with threats from prominent people in that area. The officer forwarded the wife’s account number using phone number 08035090466. The account details are: Ann Onokurhefe, 0047238018, GTBank.

Prince Odebala told him there was no reason to part with such a sum and the police officer told him clearly that if anything happened to him or members of his family in Sapele, he would be on his own. It was three days later that the wife of Prince Odebala was kidnapped.

The kidnappers kept Prince Odebala’s wife from 22nd March, 2017 till 31st March, 2017 when she was eventually released after payment of a ransom of N5,000,000.00 (Five Million Naira). However, the initial sum demanded was N40,000,000.00 (Forty Million Naira) before it was later reduced.

Whilst in the kidnappers’ den, the kidnappers informed our client’s wife that her husband has so much money that he even bought phones for his girlfriends. They mentioned the dates of the purchases. Incidentally, these are facts known only to one Joel Enajiro who was a close confidant of Prince Odebala. It was then that our client suspected that Mr. Joel Enajiro (who was with him when he bought the said phone) was a party to the plot along with the police officer who had threatened him.

That when our client reported the issue of the kidnaping of his wife to the DPO of Sapele Police Division, the officer swiftly acted and took him to the Commissioner of Police, Delta State. Upon narrating the incident to the Commissioner of Police, the Commissioner called Mr. Ndifreke Ntafiong (also known as Iwok) and simply asked him to go and release our client’s wife. Our client was amazed that even the Commissioner knew the involvement of this police officer in this crime but could treat such a serious matter with kid’s glove. Mr. Ndifreke Ntafiong was detained shortly and thereafter released. He then informed Prince Odebala to go and withdraw the complaint against him before his wife would be released. Prince Odebala declined to withdraw the complaint. However, it was shortly after the release of Mr. Ndifreke Ntafiong, that the kidnappers called to reduce the ransom to the sum of N5,000,000.00 (Five Million Naira) which was eventually paid.

When our client’s wife was eventually released, our client reported the matter to the Police and one Mr. Vincent (a police officer) in the IGP IRT Unit in SARS Abuja was assigned to track down the kidnappers. Mr. Vincent then collected all the numbers of persons who were suspected to be involved in the kidnapping of our client’s wife. Consequently, he told our client that he was able to track all of them and he knows them. Two people, to whom those numbers were traced, were later arrested (Mr. David Adogbeji and Mr. Joel Enajiro). But they have since been surreptitiously released with connivance of the Police Officers. The lives of Mr. Odebala and his wife are now in danger as her captors are now roaming free again with the connivance of the Police.

It is in the light of the above that we write to express our client’s reservation on the mode of investigation being carried out by the police thus far. We hereby request that a fresh investigation be ordered into this incident directly from your office to forestall any cover-up.

So Sad! Christ Embassy Female Pastor Dies After Triplets’ Birth

Middle...Pastor Sade and left is her hubby with a staff

This is definitely not the best of time for the man of God and General Overseer of Christ Embassy church, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome as one of his top managers of the books department (publishing)and female preacher, Pastor Folasade Bismarck has just given up the ghost after being delivered of bundles of joys, a set of bouncing triplets in far-away South Africa.

According to close sources who spoke to National Enquirer on condition of anonymity, the female Pastor who had waited on the Lord for seventeen years after marriage decided to go for triplets via the popular In Vitro Fertilization-IVF in a South African hospital.

’’The devouted Christian and woman of substance had been looking for the fruit of the womb and waited for the Lord for seventeen years after marrying her hubby, Pastor Bismarck, and since she’s already old, she’s 49, she decided to do 3 at once in order to do it once and for all, but unfortunately, she didn’t make it through’’, the source confided in NE.

We gathered reliably that the 49 years old woman of God during a reunion gathering of her alma matter, Federal Government Girls which she hosted last year, 2016, she had boasted to boasted to friends, having prayed and fasted for those waiting on the Lord for the fruit of the womb, she told them that, by the grace of God, this year, 2017, they'd come celebrate with her for the gift of God.

But sad enough, the expected miracle took a wrong twist, as we gathered that the once ebullient and high flying woman of God, had gone through the pregnant stages and eventually faced a harrowing 2 hours ordeal in the labour room before she was delivered of the bundles of joys. Bubble burst however when the babies began to die one after the other at the very conscious mind of their mum.

The source continued further that, It was when the last of the triplets breathed its last that, the woman couldn’t hold herself again; she was said to have had a heart attack that later ushered her to the great beyond, efforts by medical personnel at the South African hospital were futile. 

It is such a sad news and mourning moment at the Christ Embassy as the story is being kept in ultimate secrecy, efforts by this office to talk family members have been abortive while the church management too has refused to comment.

Jite Usman

Top UK Pastor, Apostle Adelaja’s Miraculous Teachings Of Faith…His Many Wonders

Apostle Adelaja

Sister Josephine

Many years back when Apostle Adetayo Olaonipekun Adelaja took up the divine call to serve, one major factor he held on to was his Faith as a driving force. Even in the wake of heated challenges, ranging from gathering flocks, coordination of the huge tasks like finance, he remained undaunted. Today, the story is such a fulfilling one, seeing his Divine Surgery for the World growing tremendously and recording highly inspiring testimonies from the awesome works of God through him.
Against this background, the man of God tells us the significance of Faith in the life of a believer. According to him, “Faith is the bedrock of every believer in Christ. Christian simply means Christ-antioch Act 11: 26, The Bible says it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11: 6. This why it is important for everyone that calls himself a Christian to have extreme Faith, that’s the first miracle that will form the bedrock of whatever he or she does”.
In his words, he asserted that Bible is Faith. “Faith gives birth to Faith. Genesis to Revelation, all the believers in God demonstrated Faith from Adam to Apostle John. Believers are those that have Faith in Christ. Christians believe in the teachings of the master Himself. It is a fact that without Christ in someone’s life, he will be miserable and full of crisis”.
Asked how his flocks have embraced the display of Faith in his ministry, Apostle Adelaja said one of the cardinal factors people go to church is to pray and receive that which they aspire and strive for. “It is however pertinent to stress that, “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen, according to the word of God. The word of God has been written before given birth to my father’s fathers. Hebrews 11: 1. So, there’s no way we can do anything without Faith but I am particularly happy that the person called “Faith” is what I preach at every singular opportunity, the church have benefitted immensely from this”.
Speaking further, he said, “I am Faith personified, the whole world respect me for my demonstration of Faith. I live by Faith daily. The Bible says the Just shall live by Faith daily, citing Romans 1: 17, and Hebrews 10:38 to justify his expression. “Every day, spectacular things happen to many people around me even across the globe. Before I open my mouth, signs and wonders occur which I cannot explain myself. Miracle has been my best friend.
According to Apostle Adelaja, there’s basically nothing a man of God can do without first instilling the word of Faith on his congregation, “The Bible says Faith without work is death. Every believer must practice their Faith every second of their lives. In my three published books, you will see practical display of raw Faith in action even in the face of opposition. These have been demonstrated in my books titled, “Deliver Thyself O Zion!”, “Heavenly Passport” and “Life is a Teacher”.
He however agreed that, “Yes, many people love to drink milk for the rest of their life. Satan has attacked them with infection that prevents them from eating hard food. For example, studying at the Oxford University in England is different from another university in Africa. All are good institutions, but in the argument of great philosopher, Napoleon Hill, all animals are equals but some are superior to others”. This is why Apostle Adelaja attributes the success of his ministry to his embrace and teachings of Faith in the moving and nurturing of the Divine Surgery for the World, doing great things in London, England.
He was however confident that teachers of the word of God determine either to have little Faith or strong Faith, because this is what will determine how far they will go in the ministry works. “Faithful simply means Faith that is full. If someone is not faithful in something simply means your Faith towards that person is not full. Many have been praying for donkey’s years for miracles and it’s like nothing is coming. It shows that their Faith in God is not complete. But when you have a leader in the ministry that preaches Faith to its fullest, strongholds will certainly be pulled down, those in bondages shall be made free, the oppressed shall be emancipated and those in all forms of needs shall receive bountifully.
Some of the members of the Divine Surgery for the World share their worship experiences and blessings to ascertain the preachings of the man of God, Apostle Adelaja. These are what they had to say:
SISTER JOSEPHINE: “I want to thank God for His mercy and healing power in the life of my sister, Emelda. She was diagnosed with cancer and according to the teaching of Faith we had been taught by Apostle Adelaja, God used me to support her in prayers and fasting and to the glory of God, she is healed totally IJN. Hallelujah to God for His mercy on her life.
MRS. N. MOSES: “I thank God for His Faithfulness for setting my husband and I free from detention and deportation. What seemed to be impossible became possible with God. I was praying with man of God, Apostle Adelaja under the display of my Full Faith. One day, he prophesied that I will be released without bail and the next day, I was called that I will be released the next day, and it really happened exactly the way he prophesied. Again, he gave a word of honour concerning my husband that he will be released too and it happened that same way. Praise God, Allelujah.  
SISTER NUNDDNEE:  “God tested my Faith during my trying times in Yalswood. I really threw myself on His altar when trouble came upon me two times. I was issued with deportation tickets. I was consoled by a man of God, Prophet Adelaja who used to pray with me by Faith. He prophesied that the immigration will free me. I was even applying for bail but couldn’t get guarantors and finally when I got a surety the same day, an application was made the same day and true to Prophet Adelaja’s words, the bronze gate was opened for my freedom. What a joy it was! I sang, I danced, I thanked God, and I rolled in the Chapel’s altar to redeem my vows before God. It is such a honour to serve God of suddenly. He is always in time for His glory. To God be the glory in Jesus’ name.  
SISTER ADEPEJU: “I nearly give up one day due to miscarriage because I was bleeding heavily and Apostle taught us about believing in divine healing under full Faith, I was supposed to call 999 but I believe in the prayers of man of God. The bleeding was gushing out every 3 minutes. Apostle prayed that the blood will cease from coming out, rather I will only be seeing water. I cried, thinking blood was coming but to my surprise, water started coming out. Straight away, I got healed, I regained my strength instantly. To God be all the glory. 
SISTER AMAKA: “In another powerful and instant healing, I have always known that it is God that has the final say in my life. I was in the Kings’ College hospital due to the fact that I noticed that my left leg was swollen. On getting there, the doctors said that my left kidney is not functioning properly so they have to perform a procedure to lift my kidney up to ease pressure. The next morning, when I woke up, as they were making the bed, I just stepped aside and fainted and the next thing I knew was that I was being rushed into the theatre for surgery. I was told I had clot in my lungs, I couldn’t recall all that happened there because it was like I was unconscious and sometimes, I will be conscious and spoke with them. It was later I was told that they lost me on the theatre table but suddenly I came back to life again. The doctors said that I have 20 per cent chances of being alive and that even if I am alive that I will still be a vegetable but today, my sisters and brothers, the God of Faith has made me whole and strong and healthy, there’s nothing wrong with me anymore. It can only be God. I encourage everyone to hold on to Faith in its fullness. It is a mysterious power that brings health and happiness.
THERESA, IRELAND; I was looking for finance for a car. To borrow it, it was meant to cost me 1000 pounds. After praying, my brothers suggested that I go on my knees and ask my dad, (God). I did and my dad gave it to me on Tuesday and I give the glory back to him. There was not going to be any cost of interest to pay back. I thank my daddy in heaven in Jesus’ name. Praise God, I got a testimony. I miraculously got the finance for the car. I picked it up on Tuesday. Praise God, he decided how I get the finance. Thank you for agreeing with me, man of God.
However, in furtherance of his divine calling, Apostle Adetayo Olaonipekun Adelaja will be playing host to fellow men of God at his Divine Surgery for the world at the All Saints Community Centre Monson Road, London SE14 5DJ, when he will be staging the 3 days interdenominational special anointing healing and miracles for the Sons of the Mighty.
Coming under its theme; “Wealth Transfer”, the programme which have in the past editions proven to be highly inspiring and fruitful is attracting worshippers, believers and all and sundry. It holds on Friday, 26th- Saturday, May 27, 2017 from 7pm-10pm and Sunday 9am-11am with the presence of powerful servants of God billed to minister to all.
In his usual manner of impacting great experience to attendees in the presence of God, Apostle Adelaja confirmed the ministering of Pastor Ige Ekundayo, Pastor Olamide Afolabi (Winner’s Camp Church of God, Abbey Wood),  Prophet Martin Onwumere, Pastor Collins Okoloise (Dominion Faith Chapel, East Ham London E12 6SG.) and Honourable Gbenga Omole.
Worship ministers to take all through great worship experience are Minister Clement, Minister Rebecca Fajebe, Pastor Christy Ikemson (Gospel of Peace Deliverance Mission, Bermondsey, London) and Pastor Ena Gustave with the Officer in charge being Apostle Adelaja, The general overseer.
To explore the various spiritual activities of the ministry, more of Apostle Adetayo Adelaja’s exertions like counseling every Saturday and teachings on Saturdays for the community and many more could be accessed through the church website - www.divinesurgeryforthe world.org  

Thursday, 11 May 2017

Buildcon Promises to Uphold Quality Standard

The Managing Director of  Buildcon Global Services Limited, Mrs. Bukunola Gadzama, has affirmed that she is delighted with the commendations made on the company’s products during this year’s  CEMCS exhibition in Lagos and promises to maintain quality standard which the company is known for in order to surpass subscribers’ expectations.
Managing Director and Chief executive Officer, Buildcon Global Services Limited, Mrs. Bukunola Gadzama.

She stated that the company is driven by passion to offer subscribers’ value for money and to surpass its competitors in order to have a large market share in the lucrative real estate sector.

 With this, the company is well prepared and positioned to uphold quality standard with state-of-the-art facilities in the construction of its housing projects in view of the increase in commercial and high-end residential real estate development, particularly in key cities such as Abuja, Lagos and Port Harcourt.

This is in line with its mission of executing unique strategies in creating home ownership solutions in a dynamic real estate market, while providing matchless services to customers.

Gadzama stated that this would not be restricted to the Pracht Gardens Estate, but also in other projects such as the Pracht Court in Ajah, Pracht Clusters at Chevron and another at Sangotedo in Lagos.

"In creating these luxury apartments, we took into consideration the need for affordable housing, security, space optimisation, comfort, child-friendly environment and quality,” Gadzama said. 

The accolades on the company’s products were from subscribers, visitors as well as stakeholders who were at the company's stand during the exhibition. 

They commended the architectural design and focus, particularly on quality and affordability.

Those that have seen Pracht Gardens Estate particularly praised the company for the state-of-art facilities used in its construction and the layout which they agreed “shows what a dream home should be.”
The company which made entrant into the real estate sector in 2013 has created a niche for itself through competent engineers with architectural skills and interior designs.

Wednesday, 10 May 2017


Nigerian Breweries Plc has flagged-off the 2017 Maltina Teacher of the Year initiative. In an event attended by key education stakeholders across the country, the Managing Director of the company, Mr Nicolaas Vervelde, represented by the Corporate Affairs Adviser, Mr Kufre Ekanem said that applications for the 2017 Maltina Teacher of the Year opened on Tuesday, May 09, 2017.

Interested teachers are advised to download application forms from the Maltina website - www.maltina-nigeria.com. Application forms should be completed and uploaded to the website or sent by email to maltinateacheroftheyear@heineken.com or post to P.M.B. 12632, Marina, Lagos.

Applications are accepted from both Public and Private Secondary School teachers across the country and entries will close on Friday 7th July 2017.
Like last year, each State Champion will get Five Hundred Thousand Naira (N500, 000.00) and the Top 10 teachers will be recognized before the grand winners are announced. The 2nd and 1st runners-up will receive trophies and an additional Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N750, 000.00) and One Million Naira (N1, 000, 000.00) respectively.

The Maltina Teacher of the Year 2017 will get an additional One Million Naira (N1, 000, 000.00) instantly plus One Million Naira every year for the next five years, a development training opportunity abroad and a block of classrooms built at the school where he/she teaches.
The grand finale is scheduled for October 12, 2017

Below are photos from the flag-off ceremony

From Left to Right: Mr. Wole Oyeniyi, Deputy General Secretary, Nigerian Union of Teachers; Mrs. Yetunde Odejayi, Permanent Sectary, Office of the Deputy Governor and representative of the Deputy Governor, Lagos State;  Mr. Kufre Ekanem, Corporate Affairs Adviser, Nigerian Breweries Plc; Mr. Essien Imoh, 2016 winner, Maltina Teacher of the Year and Professor Aloy Ejiogu, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos and guest presenter at the flag-off of the 2017 Maltina Teacher of the Year in Lagos on Tuesday

From Left to Right: Mr. Wole Oyeniyi Deputy General Secretary, Nigerian Union of Teachers, Mr. Kufre Ekanem, Corporate Affairs Adviser, Nigerian Breweries Plc; Mr. Imoh Essien, 2016 winner, Maltina Teacher of the Year; Professor Aloy Ejiogu, Faculty of Education, University of Lagos, guest presenterand Mr. Frank Udofia, Honourable Commissioner for Education, Akwa Ibom, at the flag-off of the 2017 Maltina Teacher of the Year in Lagos on Tuesday

From Left to Right: Professor Aloy Ejiogu, Department of Educational Management, University of Lagos, guest presenter; Mr. Kufre Ekanem, Corporate Affairs Adviser, Nigerian Breweries Plc; Mrs. Yetunde Odejayi, Permanent Secretary, Deputy Governor’s Office, representative of the Deputy Governor, Lagos State and Mr. Imoh Essien, 2016 Maltina Teacher of the Year at the flag-off of the 2017 Maltina Teacher of the Year in Lagos on Tuesday.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Billionaire Otedola’s Daughter In Sizzling Romance With Star Artiste, Mr.Eazi

Beautiful, cute and 21 years old Temi Otedola, the CEO of JTOFashion and second daughter of billionaire oil magnate, Femi Otedola might have fell, head over heel in love with Accra To Lagos songstar, Oluwatosin Oluwole Ajibade popular known as Mr.Eazi. Though, the affair is said to be secretly confidential and not in the public pry eye, National Enquirer can disclose authoritatively that, the duo is presently enjoying good time together as lovers.

While her sister, the popular DJ Cuppy who holds sway amongst top musicians and famous celebrities in the entertainment industry is said to be seeing football star and Sunderland wonderboy, Victor Anichebe, Temi has decided to settle for rave musician, Oluwatosin Ajibade a.k.a Mr.Eazi.
We gathered reliably that, the billionaire daughter, Temi and the star artiste. Mr. Eazi, 26 who started his music career in Ghana with discovery of Banku music are both on tour of a road trip in the US where they’ve been sharing quality time together.

“They’re really in love and I can tell you they’re always together, they spent the Easter holiday in each other’s comfy arms but they prefer to keep in top secret”, a close source told this magazine..

Temi and Mr. Eazi during the US tour

Temi and Amara...the going between?
Tracing the genesis of how the cupid arrow struck the love birds, we gathered reliably that, Temi and Mr. Eazi were introduced by a common friend, a US based celebrity photographer, Amarachi Nwosu of AmaraWorldwide fame who handled a shoot for the star musician recently in the US. Theirs, we were told was akin to love at first sight as no sooner they saw each other than the chemistry struck, just after the photo shoot.

DJ Cuppy and Mr. Eazi
They have been almost inseparable after then with Temi and Amara always on the musician’s entourage everywhere he’s performing presently in the US and we gathered it was even the reason why Mr.Eazi featured Temi’s DJ sister, DJ Cuppy in one of his songs recently.

Oluwatosin Oluwole Ajibade was born on the 19th of July 1991 with stage name as Mr Eazi. He’s a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and entrepreneur. He is the pioneer of Banku Music, a fusion sound he describes as the mixture of "Ghanaian bounces, Ghanaian highlife, Nigerian chord progressions, and Nigerian patterns". Mr Eazi relocated to Kumasi and enrolled at the prestigious Kwame Nkruma University of Science and Technology, where he began booking artistes to perform at college parties. He showed interest in music after recording a guest verse on "My Life", a song that gained traction and became a popular record at KNUST. Mr. Eazi released his debut mixtape, About to Blow, in July 2013. He gained an international audience following the release of the 2015 single "Skin Tight". He inked a record deal with Wizkid's Starboy Entertainment in May 2016. His second mixtape, Accra to Lagos, was released on 10 February 2017 while Temi Otdeola is the fashion enthusiast and blogger daughter billionaire businessman, Femi Otedola.

Faith Irabor


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