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From EnquirerMag Website

Sunday 30 August 2015

Eyebrows As Weird Tonto Dike Weds Her Queer Hubby, Churchill

If the pictures flying around social networks of which controversial actress, Tonto Dike has been acting purportedly, as wedding shindig is anything to go by, then the lady who walks tall as Nigeria’s weirdest actress must have been married to a young man, said to be a relation of one time President of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Aremu Obasanjo, her husband’s name is given as Seun Churchill Oladunni, and sometime they add Obasanjo to the name to make people believe he’s really one of Obasanjo’s children.

Without being too critical of their rather too-quiet a strange relationship which ultimately catapulted and blossomed to a sudden outlandish marriage, at National Enquirer, we congratulate the couple and pray that God in His infinite mercies bless the union with every good things of life including fruits of the womb. Amen.

But aside all this, pundits have decided to take a look at some salient points shrouding their relationship, all these are what are still throwing some people off balance into believing that, our dear Tonto might be playing her usual gambit having been involved in series of damning and peculiar publicity stunts in the past.

Truth be told, the wedding story looks so real to be doubted and more so, no sane soul will dare play up marriage as a game to fool the world but yet, pundits have been so surprised at the different straight-face-countenance of the so called hubby who has never shown any form of happiness on his wedding day or who in this world is never happy on his wedding day.

Tonto and his hubby have had cause to celebrate their love affair severally, and in particular, of recent, twice; one during the surprise proposal and engagement and just yesterday, another landmark journey into their liaison-the traditional wedding ceremony; and in all these, the hubby has been keeping a kinda quiet mien and straight face as if under a certain condition to act as instructed. For instance, it is so obvious that, the guy has no choice or best put, upper hand in the marriage; this could be seen in his dress sense where he was “forced” or cajoled to wear a see-through rayon on his traditional wedding day, a material a real Yorubaman will never dare to wear at all for any occasion, talk less on wedding day.

Understandably, some people could be grumpy sometimes due to certain things on their mind but not on a wedding day or why do you think a man would be putting up a straight face on the day he’s endorsing the person he wishes to live with, till the end of his life, and more so, publicly. This, Tonto’s hubby, Seun Churchill has displayed in their wedding pictures and some people are even of the opinion that, the guy is too cold for comfort with nothing cheery to show for a happy go lucky dude he’s supposed to be.

According to Maya Angelou, an award winning author and poet in one of her interviews, she said, “I never trust people who don’t laugh, who said, “I am serious” and act as if they put airplane glue on the back of their hands and stuck the glue to their foreheads. I think, “You’re not serious; you’re boring as hell.”
If you’re serious, you really understand that it’s important that you laugh as much as possible and admit that you’re the funniest person you ever met. You have to laugh. Admit that you’re funny. Otherwise, you die in solemnity.”, the words of Maya Angelou.

There must be more to the wedding “contract’ of Tonto Dike and her hubby than meets the eyes or why do you think the marriage is being too “coded” and also unusually quiet. For somebody of Tonto Dike’s status coupled with the background of the husband and his perceived influence in the society, the duo, no doubt deserves more than this kind of quiet wedding but like they say, time will tell. Below are some of the moods of their celebration of love as captured.

Jite Usman  

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