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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

President Jonathan’s Defeat: Embattled AGN President, Ibinabo Fiberesima Takes A Stand

The embattled President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria, Ibinabo Uche-Egbuche has come out to take a stand on the defeat of the incumbent President, Dr. Goodluck Azikiwe Ebele Jonathan whom she gave her all to make sure he got re-elected. This much National Enquirer can report. The beautiful woman of substance who’s also holding the record as the first ever female President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria-AGN did not change her stand for the love for President Jonathan even when the chips are down

Shortly after it dawn on her that the centre could no longer hold for the planned dream of returning the President, the former beauty Queen who’s of the Ijaw origin just like her godfather-President Jonathan took to facebook and poured out her mind.

“He is a very good man. Nigeria has just lost the one who was brought to us to set a solid foundation for greatness. The reactionary forces overwhelmed him especially from within. My friend and brother GEJ is a good man. It is well with him. We fought a good fight. Thanks to all of you who believed in him. It was not a wasted confidence. He has more to give to the world. Once again I say thank you. CONGRATULATIONS GEN. BUHARI AND APC. NIGERIA BELONGS TO US ALL. LETS LOVE HER

 And below are some of the comments of her facebook friends:
·  Ondy James
I pray we dont regret our actions tomorrow, Cos we just voted out our freedom in everything. Boko haram will stop YES, because they have won their battle now. But are we safe in the south? South and east, north and west. Funny how they play nigerian politics. Guess we will say it is free and fair now cos opposition party won? Lets wait for the million billion jobs.
7 hrs · Like · 3
It is well God is able nice one my president
 Proud of you for this comment. It's not over yet though. God bless Nigeria!!
Well said. Just that I was uncomfortable with mortgaging AGN on the alter of one man's support knowing that Nigeria belongs to all of us and that some of us on the other side are members and stakeholders in AGN.
7 hrs · Like · 2
·  Jovi Otite
I give credit to him if he accepts defeat. He conducted a free election. Thats one good thing from a no brainer.
7 hrs · Like · 1
i campaigned as Ibinabo fiberesima not AGN pls. Get ur facts right
7 hrs · Edited · Like · 1
how many millions and billions job did Jona provide after subsidy??? change is here.
you dey answer them?
The election is stil on,guys.
6 hrs · Like · 1
Not too long from now, the same Nigerians will start running back to us, crying & complaining about the "new" govt - are they not the same old politicians from the OBJ - era ?

Mark my words this day .... they may crow victory today, but will cry regret tomoro.....See More
6 hrs · Edited · Like · 4
Well said!
·  Ruth Emah
GEJ is a good man. History will remember him for good!
6 hrs · Like · 1
Respect 4 ur comportment nd d decorum u've just shown. Well said nd well done.
·  https://scontent-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hprofile-xfp1/v/l/t1.0-1/p32x32/1620622_10152281309613829_1300495758_n.jpg?oh=ad7c0bab81f06bda861447a0bfc1baf3&oe=55BD9882
President Jonathan made many mistakes that cost him his second term. The political consciousness of the Nigerian people is no doubt growing.
6 hrs · Edited · Like · 2
Well said, Lets pray for our new president.
I still believed In GEJ .....
God bless Nigeria
Nigerians,just want change PDP got for years to regroup again, Nigerians has decided "
Nigeria won
6 hrs · Like · 1
God bless you for you relentless efforts
God Bless you.
IBINABO, I respect your hard work during the campaign and your acceptance of the result. There is so much to learn about Nigeria and it's simply the time to reflect on the performance of the GEJ government whilst in the office, and be grateful for a ki...See More
Ibinabo u fought a good fight, GEJ is still my president weather is there or not, I knw his a good ....even people dat criticize him knows dat...but am sorry 4 them, d wnt change ,d will see change n run frm their Buhari soon...God Will surely reward ur hardwork my sister....
GEJ is a man ....God will bless him 4 being a peaceful president.
5 hrs · Like · 1
Its very nice to see nigerians been united like this. Im sure few days and months back, you people were not this unanimous in your comments and posts on social media. This, i believe, was because of the different fights u all put in to make sure the po...See More
5 hrs · Like · 5
Mohips Oyetayo
 It is well my President!!! We fought the good fight of Faith!
5 hrs · Like · 1
Very soon all these mumu people will start crying abt Buhari,ingrates!!
5 hrs · Like · 2
No insults o!!!!! Take it on the chin. Well played by both sides!
Well said Ma,GeJ is really a good Man...
@Nsikan...dunno you...but you have spoken the sad truth. In his next life...he will know there's a thin wall between bn kind..n bn taken for a tool!..or smthng else.
4 hrs · Like · 1
GEJ is one of the greatest leaders we ever had. I Celebrate him. @ Ibinabo Fiberesima, I celebrate your loyalty and passion to the Goodluck project. Am sure APC saw it too. Yes GMB has won. Yes GEJ is the Hero. For he made it possible by setting the pace for a New Nigeria. GEJ is truly the #FatherOfMordenNigeria.
4 hrs · Like · 2
Goodluck Jonathan is a good man, no doubt about that, but president
Goodluck Jonathan is a disaster.
4 hrs · Like · 2
Hahahaha.all road leading to Aso Rock are now closed. Justice has prevailed, Glory be to God
·  Onyi Best
well he has done his best and have showed good example!Nigeria's have made their choice hope they make good one?Goodluck Jonathan God bless you enjoy the life you have in peace and let the big eye people carry go hope they make Nigeria to be paradise!
Hmmmmm lol
 IB,Jonathan remains a hero and would always be remembered by all.
Thank s to his wife ,Fani_kayode,Fayose ,Tompolo,Dukobu ,Edwin Clark,&Orisejafor for doing this to him
3 hrs · Like · 2
Na so.
Good talk dear, good talk
It is well! Long life the federal republic of Nigeria.
madam Ibinabo. I beg to differ. you campaigned as Ibinabo but you brought with you AGN. you were Partisan. too bad. in as much I loved Jonathan, his failure will teachy our likes and that of Fidelis Duker a lesson. all Roads to Aso Rock closed for una.
2 hrs · Like · 2
·  Les Asagba
No doubt GEJ is a good man, the problem was the people he was surrounded by. He did not have a mind of his own. Such a man could never successfully rule Nigeria. But Nigeria and Indeed there rest of their world must congratulate a serving African president who contested in an election, lost and conceded defeat. God bless Jonathan and congratulations GMB.
2 hrs · Like · 2
·  https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-1/c5.0.32.32/p32x32/10968342_1387046868271642_7280100306976947706_n.jpg?oh=abdebf73a0f3d26437e04add3cca8371&oe=55A81F57&__gda__=1437974392_b97e3f3383bc261d794bd3487f889d73
·  Les Asagba Thank you Sylvia Ekpo. I did not want to mention names but those are some of them few that destroyed GEJ.
Change is here now. Transformation took place earlier setting the pace for a better nigeria. Hope GMB will make good the luck nigerians made happen for a change. Long live nigeria.
 Let's keep hope alive for Nigeria. GEJ had everything he needed to be a great President but his wife, advisers, ministers and other people around him, far and near, did not serve him well. PDP controlled both Houses (the Legislative Branch), the Execut...See More
1 hr · Like · 1
 Jona has made history behind Mandela to be another African leader who not only organised d most credible election but accepted defeat in dignity without allowing blood to be shed or contest d result.

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